简介:This 'Fifties Fugitive' movie,a clever pastiche of monochrome British B films,opens with the police arriving to arrest prime minister Tony Blair for murder - well,he did allow himself to be abducted by a thug called George Bush and collude in murdering a bunch of Afghans. Aided by Barbara Windsor Blair goes on the run but none of the peers he created will give him sanctuary,Gordon Brown just wants to kill him and 'Squealer' Mandelson is no help either. Apart from trying to flog his book all he does is incriminate Blair in the deaths of John Smith and Robin Cook. After he has pushed a tramp off a train and been grassed up by Carol Caplan Blair ends up at the Gothic mansion of faded Southern Belle Margaret Thatcher and in her bed. A climax at the Chilton Theatre in the manner of 'The Thirty-Nine Steps' will lead to an end ti